Traveling by bus offers numerous advantages. You don’t have to worry about anything and can sit back and relax while your bus guru transports you comfortably and safely to your destination. In addition, traveling by bus is also particularly sensible and advantageous from an ecological point of view, as each vehicle can be used for a larger travel group. For this reason, traveling by bus is one of the most sustainable ways to go on vacation or a day trip. All of our drivers are extensively trained, experienced and remain confident and calm in any situation. If you want to rent a bus from us, it is easy and convenient through the short request form. The online form allows you to enter the number of persons, the desired pick-up and destination as well as the outward and return journey and then to directly receive information about the price. This way, you benefit from a bus rental at favorable prices with a comprehensive service. You can get a cheap bus from us for day trips, school trips or trips with a group of several days, among other things.

Are you planning a trip and would like to rent a modern and well-equipped bus? With us you will find the right vehicle for different group sizes. From minibuses to midi coaches to coaches, you can rent the right vehicle from us to transport you comfortably and easily. Double-decker buses can also be found in our extensive fleet, so that we are also available for bus trips with larger groups. As a bus company, we are available in various cities in Germany and drive our customers almost everywhere in Germany and Europe. You can use our bus logistics services in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt or Cologne, for example, as well as in many other cities. We bring people within Germany as well as all over Europe to any destination.

As a long-standing provider in the field of bus logistics and bus rental, we are able to provide the right service for every requirement. We have more than 1,500 reliable bus partners in Germany as well as in other European countries who support us with our bus logistics offers. In order to rent a bus including driver, no long waiting time is necessary – with your request, we will simply send you a non-binding offer within 24 hours. On our portal, you will find a cheap bus for every travel project, which will bring you and your travel group safely, comfortably and reliably to your destination. Our bus drivers are highly trained, competent and have extensive experience.

Safety in all areas is one of our top priorities in all bus rental offers. This includes the required safety equipment of the vehicles as well as appropriate training of all our drivers. Thus, a safety check of all vehicles is carried out every 90 days. Would you like to learn more about us? Use our form now to rent your own bus including driver. Our customers rent a bus for different occasions, for example events, weddings, class trips or business occasions like Christmas parties or fairs. Also club outings become a success with our support as a bus company. Contact us to rent a cheap bus conveniently online and enjoy our high-quality services.

request now

Unsure which service you would like to book
or which vehicle you need?
Contact us, we will support you with your planning.

our efficient passenger transportation offers you an exclusive driver service with all essential services from one source.
Thus, your coach will bring you reliably, safely and on time to your desired venue. For groups of customers who need a coach for a business event, for example, we offer an optional conference coach for the planned OnBoard Conference. Your luxuriously equipped long-distance coach provides you – especially as a special coach with tables – with the necessary comfort for all business requirements. The coaches are equipped with various multimedia features, such as: TV screens, microphone, DVD player and WLAN. Private customers can supplement their trip with suitable amenities such as a bookable packed lunch or hotel accommodation. A class trip with bus and including ticket organization for an amusement park is particularly in demand. This makes traveling relaxed for any size of group.

Piktogramm Busflotte

large fleet of buses with a suitable vehicle for each group size

Piktogramm Welt

reliable partners throughout Germany and Europe

receive suitable offers within 24 hours

Piktogramm Eventmanagement aus einer Hand

complete event management from a single source

you can book your bus whenever and however you want at your desired conditions. We are happy to help you even with last-minute requests.

if you have any problems with your booking, please send an e-mail to or call us at +49 0800 287 287 0. We will take care of your request immediately.

trips can always be canceled, but cancellation fees may apply. Due to the current situation (Corona) the terms may differ.

you can book any number of buses or shuttles with us. Since we benefit from a network of over 1,500 partners, we can provide you with several buses anywhere, whether at a specific location or throughout Germany and Europe.

after we have sent you your personal and individually tailored offer, you need to do nothing more than confirm it. Of course, we will take care of reservations and organizations for you.